Archives of Sky Event

New Comet Brightening Fast in Morning Sky

Comet Watch: A newly discovered comet is quickly brightening in early morning skies. Named C/2023P (Nishimura). It was discovered by a Japanese backyard astronomer last week and is heading towards the inner solar system, rounding the Sun mid-September. It is currently traveling through the constellation Gemini, visible at dawn in the east and is shining […]

Top 10 Observing Tips for the Closest Supernova in a Decade

A small telescope is all that’s needed to hunt down this exploding star in our neighbouring galaxy. Supernovae are spectacular astronomical events that mark the explosive deaths of massive stars. Here is a short rundown on what all the excitement is about with this rare sky event and provide tips on how you can attempt […]

Watch the Moon Hide Jupiter This Week

This Wednesday morning look towards the east an hour before your local sunrise to catch a breaktakingly close encounter between our Moon and the largest planet in the solar system. The moon itself will be an eye-catching, thin crescent. If you happen to be situated in Canada, the contiguous US, Mexico, Greenland, northern Scandinavia, or […]